15 Reasons Why You Should Go to Church

At some point, someone has probably encouraged you to go to church. Maybe your mama, your uncle, a neighbor, or a coworker told you it was important. You might have dismissed it because you didn’t see any real benefits of going to church, or maybe you do want to go to church but sleeping in […]

The Path from Procrastination to Discipline

Do you put the “pro” in procrastination? If so, you shouldn’t wear it like a badge of honor. Procrastination is an unhealthy habit. Unfortunately, our culture has made it acceptable to procrastinate, even making jokes about it. Even if society says procrastination is the norm, it doesn’t mean it is good. There are plenty of […]

The Path from Selfishness to Selflessness

Dictionary.com defines selfishness as “devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.” No one wants to be considered selfish. But the problem is the majority of people are selfish. Even those of us who call ourselves Christians. And … selfishness is very difficult to […]

Dealing with Illness? Head to Church

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of the phone call from the doctor or held hands with a loved one who was told scary health news, you know illness is one of life’s most devastating storms. Based on statistics, it’s likely you have some experience in this area. According to the Center for […]

The Path from Pain to Thanksgiving

Thankfulness is extremely hard when you are suffering. It almost feels cruel to say, “Thank you,” when you are grieving. It may seem callous or naïve. But sometimes people remind us to be thankful at moments when it feels the most impossible. I don’t believe most people say this to hurt us. I don’t think […]
The Path from Worry to Confident Trust

The Path from Worry to Confident Trust

At some point, you’ve likely had someone tell you not to worry. If only it were that’s simple… The truth is there will always be something to worry about. Often, the things we worry about are valid (sickness, financial woes, etc.). However, when we allow worry to take over our minds and hearts, we suffer […]

The Path from Anger at God to Trust in Him

At some point, we’ve all been angry at something or someone. Anger is defined as “a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.” Some people experience anger at other drivers, some people experience anger at their circumstances, and others become angry at God. Some of you who read it may immediately think this is blasphemous, […]


HOMILY FOR THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR C. Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-7; Psalm 1; 1Corinthians 15:12.16-20 and Luke 6:17.20-26. Have you trusted someone or something so much and it got you disappointed at a point? Obviously, after several disappointments from political leaders and those in authority, partners in relationship and some other spheres of […]


HOMILY FOR TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR C. Readings: Amos 6:1,4-7; Psalm 147; 1Timothy 6:11-16 and Luke 16:19-31. Today’s liturgy draws our attentions to people that are weak and poor in our neighborhoods, people who have no capacity to fulfill the minimum essential necessities of life. The prophet Amos and Jesus in the readings […]


HOMILY FOR THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER, YEAR A. 23.04.2023. Readings: Acts 2:14.22-33; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:17-21 and Luke 24:13-25. In the liturgy of today, the post resurrection events of Christ continues in the life of the Apostles and the Christian community. The liturgy invites us to reflect on the Good News, that Christ did […]


Readings: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrews 10:11-14.18; Mark 13: 24-32.  It is commonly said, “After the darkest of the night comes a new dawn.” The night could be so long, but dawn is certain. Passing through the tunnel could be so rigorous, stressful and painful but at the end of it comes great joy. This […]


HOMILY FOR FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY), YEAR C. Readings: Acts 13:14.43-52; Psalm 100; Revelation 7:9.14-17; John 10:27-30. Traditionally, on the fourth Sunday of Easter the Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday.  The gospel reading is usually from John chapter ten which has the parable of the good shepherd read in the three years […]